Opportunity Fund
Tuition Assistance
Special Causes
Legacy Fund
Capital Expenses
As Veritas continues to identify areas of potential growth as well as maintain our current programming, raising additional funds will be necessary for these important items. We would like to invite you to consider volunteering or making a donation to fund one or more of these important areas.

Chromebooks ($250): Last year, we began a 1:1 Technology program where every student was issued a Chromebook (computer) with a warranty to use throughout his/her time at Veritas. Weare hoping for 15 tech-minded individuals to sponsor the purchase of 15 new computers for the 2015-2016 school year.

Enhanced Security Entrance ($250): The church has installed an electronic door which has improved the security of our building. The school would like to install a camera, video monitor, and remote buzzer so that we can keep the door locked at all times. We are hoping for 10 concerned people to donate funds to cover the estimated cost of $2500.

Color Printer ($225): The color printer in our office has served us well, but it is time to replace it. A contribution from two people who understand the value of a quality, color office printer would allow us to purchase a new printer immediately.

Expanded Storage ($200): The school has a few cabinets and one closet to store all of its academic materials. We have estimated that $4,000 are needed to renovate the storage area to add much-needed space. Donations from twenty generous donors would cover this project.

Student Storage Areas ($100): Currently our students have one set of shelving where they can store their books on the days that they do not take them home. We would like every student to have a personal storage area. If we could have 70 people donate to this project, we could make this $7,000 concept a reality.

Athletic Booster Club: Costs for operating our top-notch athletic program continue to grow, and we are considering the formation of a Booster Club. If you are interested in getting involved withthis, please contact Greg Gaffney at ggaffney@veritasnj.org.

Writers: The marketing committee is looking for people who enjoy writing and would be willing to write stories and articles for news releases.
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